In “The Book of Queer,” an ensemble cast of all-LGBTQ actors will portray 200 historical figures, from the ancient Greek poet Sappho to Joan of Arc, Alan Turing and Josephine Baker. Sandwiched between the two is “The Book of Queer,” a docuseries-meets-variety show that spans centuries of queer characters and features a lineup of some of the biggest names in entertainment (queer or otherwise).
And on June 3, it premieres “ Trixie Motel,” a reality series that follows “RuPaul’s Drag Race” alum Trixie Mattel and her partner, David Silver, as they renovate a Palm Springs motel. On June 1, the service drops all six episodes of the Tyra Banks-produced “ Generation Drag,” a documentary series centering on Dragutante, the first drag ball for minors. To mark Pride Month, Discovery+ is introducing a new hub for LGBTQ content, called Always Proud, which will launch with three series, released the first three days of June.